澳门足彩app的医疗团队将客户的愿景和使命转化为支持高效操作和最佳患者体验的物理环境. 我们与您的团队合作,开发特定而灵活的物理解决方案,以便在不断变化的医疗保健环境中实现您的目标和优先事项. 我们的执业医疗保健建筑师和设计师开发一流的解决方案, 我们的主题专家根据组织的财务和战略现实制定实施路线图.
澳门足彩app团队致力于紧跟新技术和新趋势的出现. 我们对信息分析的分析和我们创造性的设计过程帮助客户在动态的医疗保健市场中实现可持续的商业模式. 我们的方法带来了与资本投资相关的一定程度的保证, 市场灵活性和利益相关者共识将使您的项目在他们的开发过程中保持正轨.
After every conference presentation we give, 至少会有一个临床主任过来告诉我们,...
从最初在视频游戏和军事训练演习中的应用来看,虚拟现实已经走过了漫长的道路. 现在这项技术...
努力兼顾工作, 社交生活的尝试, 保持身体活动, and keeping up with adult tasks (i.e.、石油...
It’s 2020, and everything seems to be experiencing a revolution. Articles use popularized clichés like “the new normal�...
Population health has changed ambulatory investment. While in the past healthcare systems looked for opportunities...
Preventing infections is a challenge in any emergency department. In particular, communicable infections like tuberculosis,...
在削减成本时,许多医院会裁掉成本较低的员工,比如技术人员和运输人员. 你可能会怀疑这是一个坏消息...
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.——本杰明·富兰克林 COVID-19 will create an expanded need for...
变更管理, the controlled implementation of required changes within a system, 这个短语是不是被滥用了. 但...
As insurers and patient consumerism drive site-of-care decisions, many orthopedic procedures that historically have...
在大流行期间开展业务的方式发生了如此深刻的变化, determining how to conduct tasks in a sustainable way...
When you know how many patients are coming down the pipe, you reap more than just shortening their wait time for a bed. 你...
We have learned a lot from the outbreak of COVID-19, 我们将继续量化这次大流行的紧张程度...
Pharmacy requirements are evolving, 而且对药店所占用的物理空间的要求也越来越严格...
在新生儿重症监护室,首先关注的是新生儿的需求. For an infant being treated in the NICU, clinical...
根据Avalere健康和医生咨询研究所(PAI)的一项新研究,, the number of physician medical practices...